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Unit 1 Finished Work Of Christ
This course will explore how the finished work of Christ impacts every area of our lives, both natural and spiritual. We will examine Jesus' last words on the cross and how they apply to us today.
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Unit 2 Grace Bootcamp
This Unit will assist you in better understanding this lavish, unlimited, unrestrained and overwhelming love God has for YOU! Fueled with this new level of understanding of His love for you, you will be enabled to thrive as you have never imagined.
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Unit 3 Blood Covenant
This course is designed to give an introduction to the wonderful blood covenant given to us by our loving God. It seeks to show the student that God is an all-sufficient God and has always had a way of showing his love toward mankind.
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Unit 4 New Covenant of Grace
Our loving Abba Father has poured out his blessings and gifts to us through the grace of Jesus Christ. He has guaranteed his promises to us in the form of an agreement called the New Covenant which in a sense is a legal agreement sealed and signed.
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Unit 5 Identity
So how do you see yourself? What does your canvas look like? To understand who you really are, you must see yourself through God’s eyes. The Bible describes two identities, two families - those in Adam and those in Christ.
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Unit 6 Seated With Christ
The Book of Ephesians has been called Paul's third heaven epistle' and the 'Alps of the New Testament.' It is rich concerning the believer's position in Christ and how that position plays out in our walk.
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